Pantsuit Pinot Noir Pairings: Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

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Dessert and wine can be tricky to pair but our Pantsuit Pinot Noir loves the juicy strawberry drenched in creamy chocolate. Learn how to make them at home using these step-by-step instructions from the Kitchn.

How To Make Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

What You Need

1 pint-basket (1 pound) fresh strawberries
2 cups (12 ounces) dark chocolate chips or chopped chocolate
1/2 cup (3 ounces) white chocolate, optional for drizzling

Double-boiler or heatproof bowl and saucepan
Heatproof spatula
Parchment, wax paper, or Silpat
Baking sheet
Small plastic bag


  1. Wash and dry the strawberries: Rinse the strawberries under cool running water and gently pat dry. The strawberries need to be completely dry before dipping, so spread them out and let them air-dry if necessary.

  2. Melt the dark chocolate: Fill the bottom of the double-boiler or saucepan with an inch or two of water and bring the water to a simmer over medium-high heat. Transfer all the chocolate into the top of the double-boiler or the heatproof bowl and set this over the simmering water. Let the chocolate melt, stirring occasionally, until no more lumps remain. Remove the bowl with the chocolate from heat. (See Recipe Notes.)

  3. Prepare your workspace: Set the bowl of melted chocolate in front of you on a towel. Place the dried strawberries to your left. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place this on your right. (Reverse if you are left-handed.)

  4. Dip the strawberries: Working with one strawberry at a time, grasp the strawberry by the top leaves and dip it into the chocolate. Turn or swirl the strawberry as needed to completely coat it in chocolate. Lift the strawberry out and shake gently to remove excess chocolate.

  5. Lay dipped strawberries on the baking sheet: Carefully lay the dipped strawberry on its side on the baking sheet. Repeat with dipping the remaining strawberries.

  6. Let the chocolate set: Let the strawberries sit until the chocolate coating is set and dry to the touch. You can put the baking sheet in the fridge to speed this along.

  7. Prepare the white chocolate drizzle: When the strawberries are ready, melt the white chocolate just as you did the dark chocolate. (Alternatively for this small amount of chocolate, melt it in 15-second bursts in microwave, stirring between each burst). Transfer the melted white chocolate to a small ziplock bag.

  8. Drizzle strawberries with white chocolate: Push the melted white chocolate to one corner of the bag, then snip a small corner off the bag. Squeezing the bag gently, quickly drizzle the white chocolate over the strawberries. Use big sweeps, moving back and forth over the whole baking sheet. (See Recipe Notes.)

  9. Let the white chocolate set: Let the white chocolate drizzle set (or place the baking sheet in the fridge again for few minutes), then serve. Dipped strawberries can be kept for a few hours at room temperature. They can also be refrigerated for a few days, though they don't look as pretty.

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